GrimoireSOMA » About Moi



About Moi


Who, me…?

Yes well I suppose I should talk a little about myself, but only for you. As a treat.

And what I treat I am! I’m in my mid-thirties and have just now cracked the egg as it were, coming to the realization I’m trans (MTF specifically) and what a time to realize this it is! Without going into the ongoing political horrors of my country, it is a time indeed to realize one is a woman.

I mean let’s be real I wasn’t great before the election either, but still.

On the upside I’ve now taken on the unenviable task of relaiming that stupid boomer joke about being a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.

At any rate: Trans I am, and beyond that I’m afraid I’m pretty boring, and thanks to stumbling onto my little corner of the internet here, you get to be subjected to that boredom! Goodie for you! And by boredom I do think it’ll be pretty interesting, to be honest? All other personality flaws aside I think I do a lot of cool shit, and that’s kind of the objective of this site and my other social medias: I like sharing the weird things I do, and that’s what’s going to be appearing here.

What might that include? Well, a bit of everything. I’m an avid tinkerer, both of electrons and electronics. I don’t think I’ve managed yet to buy anything electronic and not modify/screw with it in some way, and I’m going to post about that. I’m also incredibly handy (don’t let the heels fool you love) and plan to explore some of that too. And of course, some occasional art to round things out when the mood strikes, as it often does.

Beyond that, I guess we’ll see what happens next. Watch this space loves.

Thank you!

- Madison