GrimoireSOMA » Soft Opening



Soft Opening

Saturday, November 16, 2024

I’m going to do my level best to not let this first post simply turn into a carbon copy of the site’s About Me page, so if you want to know about me personally, then you can find all of that there.

Here I’d like to go more into detail about what this is, what my plans for it are, and why I’m undertaking a new “online identity” of sorts.

Without getting too into my previous life, internet and otherwise, the short version is I had my egg crack moment as the kids like to say not too awfully long ago, and for the uninitated, that’s when a trans-person realizes they are trans. I’m writing to you now still very much in man-mode, as they say, and I’m laying out the plans for the route forward to becoming the woman I now realize I very much want to be.

If you're new here I can't express vulnerable feelings directly, I use memes.
If you're new here I can't express vulnerable feelings directly, I use memes.

I’m also building this website on a fresh installation of Kubuntu linux, which to be honest, the last time I used this was… good grief, probably college? Which at this point is a solid decade in the rear view mirror. Christ.


So yes, all in all nothing to special over here, just you’re standard edgy edge-boy of the early 2000’s who after years of heavy work on himself as discovered that himself is actually a herself, and now sets about sorting that out far too late, and just in time for an incoming administration that will almost certainly be putting in the overtime to make sure I regret it. And alongside that, let’s set about transition with a side of content creation, because that’s gone so well for everyone else who’s done it.

Well, if my friends will tell you anything about me quite reliably, it’s that I don’t do anything the fucking easy way so why should this be any different.

But along with coming out of the closet with regard to being queer, I’ve also decided to bring my creative sides out of it as well, and start giving those a more prominent place in my online life. To that end, that statement you read on the way in here (Maybe, if not, it’s on the home page). To wit:

Tech projects, notes, random screwing around with a side of gender discovery journey.

And what does that expand into? Well, I’ve been told I do interesting things (blatant lies I assure you) and I plan to share them here, and probably elsewhere too. I’ve been told video is the go-to thing but to be honest, I find this somewhat doubtful. I don’t think I’ve ever googled for a technical problem I’m experiencing and been excited by the notion that the answer lies in a video and not in a written word. So, while making videos either for YouTube or even TikTok isn’t necessarily not on my radar, at the very least, it isn’t yet what with… well. Not being myself just yet. But that’s a situation that has a built in expiration date and I plan to make it expire post-haste, and then I don’t have the excuse anymore. So look forward to that.

And with that, I guess that’s day one of the new site? Cool. See y’all around.

Let's go then.
Let's go then.

I’ll be posting to BlueSky most regularly, and also I’ll be getting an email list going soon. Check back as I get all that up and running. <3

- Madison